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Qishine Gasket Pipe Fitting Co., Ltd., AOOT

Выбранный регион: Иваново и Ивановская область. Изменить

Предприятие Qishine Gasket Pipe Fitting Co., Ltd., AOOT

Иваново и Ивановская областьСтроительство и ремонтАрматура металлическая - продажа, производство

Адрес: 361000, Xiamen, ул. No.17 Jinsheng Li, Huli, Xiamen, Fujian,, д. 102, к. 23

Телефон(ы): т +86 (592) 1588022

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Сайт: 1588022.bpages.ru

Сайт: https://www.qishine.com/

Описание деятельности Qishine Gasket Pipe Fitting Co., Ltd., AOOT

Qishine has complete testing methods, with more than 50 sets of testing devices, chemical analysis, and non-destructive testing can all be completed independently. The German Spike direct-reading spectrometer provides an accurate guarantee for the analysis of materials. Qishine is ISO and API certified. Our pipe fittings are exported to Italy, Belgium, the United States, Chile, Bolivia, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, South Korea, India and other countries, and are well-praised by customers at home and abroad.

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